Sonntag, 26. September 2010

The Sociables prefer Pop! Vol.4

Walcome to Scotland.For part 4 of The Sociables we visit the "musical westcoast" of the UK.These 14 songs prove that even in the rainy climate of the highlands,a sunny california soul can shine.Starting of with Postcard Records the first home to bands like Orange Juice,Josef K,Aztec Camera,the scotish Pop Scene became a dependable forge for first class pop in the last 30 years.With musicians & songwriter like Norman Blake(Teenage Fanclub),Duglas T. Stewart(BMX Bandits),Paul Quinn (Soup Dragons)& David Scott(The Pearfishers) a close working community developed.Nearly every featured artist on this mix worked on one project of the other.For example Steward & Quinn formed Primary Five.Edwyn Collins produced some of the songs of his old band colleague Malcom Ross.And so on...After listening to to this selection you all will join in with Shirley Lee:I love Scotish Pop.Next Stop:North America

1.Orange Juice-Consolation Prize
2.The Primary 5-Mailman
3.Teenage Fanclub-People try to fuck with you
4.James Kirk-Krach auf Wiedersehen
5.Spearmint-Scottish Pop
6.Edwyn Collins-Gorgeous George
7.The Pearlfishers-Todd is God
8.Belle And Sebastian-Wrapped Up In Books
9.The McCluskey Brothers-Slip away
10.Paul Quinn & The Independent Group-Stupid Thing
11.BMX Bandits-I Know A Secret
12.Malcolm Ross-Happy Boy
13.The Pearlfishers-The Umbrellas of Shibuya
14.Aztec Camera-Jump



1 Kommentar:

  1. An ultra-fine collection of Pop songs to serve as the accompaniment/companion piece to early morning computer business ♥(..that's how I listened to this mix, anyway~) Really, really liked the Teenage Fanclub song(..which may be a shocking thing, considering there is a curse word right in the title.. but you know, I am not.. horribly oppositional to cussing. I mean, when other people do it, sometimes. it does tend to be amusing. all depending on how the words are being used. like one of my favorite songs at the moment is Cee-Lo Green's newest single.. have you heard it? it's a Cuss Extravaganza.. but still a terrific, terrific song.. retro soul sounding, and very catchy.. and, strangely enough! it loses a lot of its impact when you hear it edited, so I actually prefer listening to the unedited, Bad Words Galore version.. yeah~ ..but, again, it is a bit of a.. pain to not be able to say the titles of things with curse words in them.. that's the only downside, really. ..kind of..), and I practically busted a gut hearing Aztec Camera covering Vintage Van Halen.. _totally_ wasn't expecting that(and I always tend to have the maybebizarre reaction of unexpected covers making me laugh..).. I already manage to surprise people by knowing almost every single lyric of "Jump"(not my fault, and it wasn't deliberate.. that song gets _a lot_ of radioplay, so that's the reason I can sing along to the majority of it..), and now I'll have all the more opportunity to commit the rest of the lines I've been unsure about to memory :D Since I'm sure to listen to their version a lot~

    Really good mix! Thank you very much for sharing it ♥
