Chicks on Beat NO.5.The Netherlands during 60's were known for their more liberal Politics in relation to Soft Drugs & Sex.So it was no wonder that a large Beat Scene was happening at that Time.Most of the known Bands in this Scene however, were all Male.But these 12 Tunes show that there also were some strong Women in the Scene. Rita Hovink who had several Hits till her tragic Death in 1979.Mariska Veres who later joins the well-known Shocking Blue or Deedee Pitt (Gonnie Rijkes), the first Dutch girl singer wearing a mini-skirt with her only Song.So convince yourself that the Netherlands has more to offer than "Gabba",Cheese & Tulips.Veel Plezier
1.Brigitte & The Firestrings-Een droom
2.Dee Dee Pit-Laars erop
3.Els Molenaar-Gezakt of geslaagd
4.Karin Kent-Als ik een jongen was
5.Brigitte & The Firestrings-Waarom vertrouw je mij niet meer
6.Rita Hovink-'t Is voorbij
7.Iris Zegveld & Short 66-Ik ken je beter, Peter
8.Triks & The Paramounts-Doe maar net zoals ik
9.Mariska Veres-Is het waar
10.Rosita Bloom-Kees van Mars
11.Reggy Van De Burght-Eenzam Opt Leidsplein
12.Jose & Full House-Als je alle kranten leest
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hi! wonerfull site as always!
AntwortenLöscheni mentionned you on my blog!
is it possible to have a compilation of Fantastic Plastic Machine please, bitte, kudasai?
domo arigato gozaimashita!
et bravo pour votre site!